Unbroken Ground
We believe our food can and should be a part of the solution to the environmental crisis – grown, harvested and produced in ways that restore our land, water and wildlife.
Real Food Makes a Comeback
We look at a few of the small, local farmers who are the new heroes of the growing movement that's turning away from "industrial food" and factory farming to embrace food raised locally, humanely and with environmentally sound principles. And that tastes good, too.

The Bread Lab
Not immune to these challenges is the Skagit Valley, 80,000 contiguous acres of rich farmland set in a beautiful rural valley a little over 70 miles north of Seattle. One of the West Coast’s few remaining agricultural valleys, Skagit Valley produces more than 80 crops of significant economic value.

Farming for Wildlife
“If 100 years from now,” farmer Dave Hedlin said, “there are healthy viable family farms in this valley and waterfowl and wildlife and salmon in the river, then everyone wins.”